
The GOP Needs Firebrands, Not ‘Milquetoast’ Politicians

Posted: Aug 16, 2022 12:01 AM

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On the 22nd of May in 1856, in the United States Senate chamber, Representative Preston Brooks, a pro-slavery Democrat from South Carolina, used a walking cane to attack Senator Charles Sumner, an abolitionist Republican from Massachusetts, striking him repeatedly about the head. Obviously, slavery was a contentious issue in our country at the time, and passions were running high. While I am not advocating for any elected official nowadays to physically assault another, I want to know where the hell is the passion in the Republican Party? I’m not talking about the wild-eyed crazies and lunatics that the Democrats have become, making fools of themselves like New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and others who babble senselessly. I’m talking about having a fire in the belly! The willingness to fight back, loudly and with anger, when Democrats try to pull some of their shenanigans. If Republicans want to fire up the base and reach more people, they better light a little fire under themselves. I watched Kevin McCarthy recently talking about what Republicans intend to do if they take control o …

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