
Why Do Liberals Hate Trump So Much?

The question in the title needs, I believe, critical examination. Why DOES the Left hate Trump so much?The answer, as usual, can largely be found by analyzing history.

But first. Do they hate him because the average price of a gallon of gas in his administration was far lower than under Biden? Is it because inflation was low (around 2%) and trending downward? Is it that the USA was energy independent and didn’t need to beg our enemies for oil, deplete our strategic oil reserve or sell it to China? Is it because black and Hispanic unemployment was lower than at any time in history? Is it because Trump forced China into a fairer trade agreement, got a strong trade deal with Japan, and a solid peace in the Middle East?Are these the reasons (more in a subsequent article) that the Left despises Trump so much?These reasons may be symptoms, but don’t touch the main issue. If you ask a liberal why they hate DJT so much, they aren’t going to say, “Well, because gas prices and inflation were manageable, minority unemployment was …

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