
The Navy Needs to Protect Power, Not Pronouns

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The U.S. Navy this week gave America another unfortunate peek at its priorities when a video surfaced that showed two engineers at the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC) in Rhode Island talking about, you guessed it — “the importance of using correct pronouns.” Talk about mission creep. NUWC’s website says it exists to conduct R&D, testing and other assessments on fleet support capabilities for submarines and other underwater systems, work that helps us defeat the enemy in undersea combat. Is the Navy so far ahead of the game that NUWC has time to instruct us on “the importance of using correct pronouns” and tips to avoid misgendering people? It’s possible. But evidence over the last several years indicates the Navy would be better served focusing on readiness, training and morale. PIN-UPS FOR VETS MODEL JANAE SERGIO RECALLS SURVIVING HOMELESSNESS BEFORE JOINING THE NAVY: ‘BE YOUR OWN HERO’
The Navy has ordered a “stand down” of all non-deployed naval aviation units following two plane crashes that resulted in two crewmembers being killed.
(U.S. Navy )Just a few years ago, we watched collisions involving the USS John S. McCain, USS Fitzgerald, USS Lake Champlain and USS Antietam. The results of the investigations were no surpr …

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