
Sunset for British monarchy after Queen?

British republicans are hoping that Elizabeth II will be the last queen, but experts say the monarchy seems set to survive, as long as it moves with the times.“We’re not expecting the monarchy to be abolished whilst the queen is on the throne,” said Graham Smith, head of the Republic movement that wants the UK to have an elected, non-partisan president as head of state.But he told AFP: “This is the last monarch who is going to have anything like the sort of popular support the queen has.“Once her eldest son Prince Charles is on the throne, “then yes, we can certainly achieve that goal and get rid of the monarchy,” he added.Next week sees concerts, parades and picnics over four days to mark the queen’s 70 years on the throne, with the country turned a sea of red, white and blue.The unprecedented Platinum Jubilee is being seen as a chance to reflect on the queen’s centr …

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