
NYC Mayor Adams Signs Bill Banning “Weight Discrimination,” Claims Body Type Not Connected to Health

New York City Democratic Mayor Eric Adams claimed Friday that “body type” has no connection to a person’s health after signing a bill banning height and weight discrimination. The bill signed by Adams prohibits discrimination on the basis of height and weight for employment, housing, and public accommodations in the city. The bill contains an exception for employers who need to consider height and weight to abide by federal, state, or local laws and regulations. After signing the legislation, Adams discussed why he believes it’s necessary and made a scientifically erroneous statement. “Everyone knows that I’m a person that believes in health, so when you talk about not discriminating against someone because of their body type, it’s not fighting against obesity; it’s just being fair,” the mayor said, adding, “And science has shown that body type is not a connection to if you are healthy or unhealthy. I think that’s a misnomer.”JUST IN: After signing a bill banning height and weight discrimination in NYC, Mayor Eric Adams tells a reporter that, “Body type is not a connection …

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