
New Study: DEI Trainings Make People See Racism Even if It Isn’t There

Maoist tactics lead to Maoist outcomes.
For instance, if you train people to see oppression everywhere, they will see it even where it does not exist.
According to a remarkable new study by the Network Contagion Research Institute and Rutgers University’s Social Perception Lab, the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programs that have polluted schools and workplaces in recent years have had the ironic-yet-predictable tendency to foster both racism and authoritarianism.

Titled “Instructing Animosity: How DEI Pedagogy Produces the Hostile Attribution Bias,” the new study confirmed what many have long known.
In short, using excerpts from the writings of prominent “anti-racist” figures, such as Ibram X. Kendi and Robin DiAngelo, the 13 researchers who collaborated on …

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