
Man wearing ‘Jesus Saves’ shirt at Mall of America ordered to take it off or leave…

A man wearing a ‘Jesus Saves’ T‑shirt was ordered to remove the clothing or leave the Mall of America last weekend in a video that has gone viral on social media. A security guard at the nation’s most famous shopping center in Minnesota can be heard telling the man: ‘If you want to shop here you need to take off that shirt’. Another clip shows the same guard saying: ‘Jesus is associated with religion and it is offending people. People have been offended.‘The video which was recorded on January 7 has prompted outrage online with one group organizing a protest at the Mall where they intend to wear their own ‘Jesus Saves’ shirts.  Viral video shows a man wearing a ‘Jesus Saves’ T‑Shirt being ordered to take off the clothing or leave by security guards at Mall of America on Jan 7thA spokesman for Mall of America told that the man was allowed to remain in the Mall following the interaction while still wearing his shirt.This is despite the fact guards can clearly be heard threatening to kick him out.  In the original clip, the shopper is seen in a yellow T‑shirt branding the religious slogan. The back of the shirt reads ‘Jesus is the only way’ while the popular ‘coexist’ — symbol — which advocates different religions living alongside each other peacefully — is crossed out. The videos have now been shared across TikTok and Twitter while one was livestreamed to Facebook on January 7. One week prior, he had also been issued with a 24-hour trespass for ‘soliciting guests’.During the tense exchange, three security guards surround the man. In a clip that has gone viral on social media, the man insists he was shopping peacefully in the shirt but officers accused him of ‘religious soliciting’He can be heard saying: ‘I didn’t say anything though. I didn’t speak. I didn’t say anything. I just went to Macy’s.‘The guard replies:  ‘Again, I’m giving you a couple options. You can take the shirt off and you can go to Macy’s and you can do your shopping. ‘Or you can leave the mall, OK? Those are your only options right now,.‘The officer later claims he was eng …

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