Entitled Billionairess Gets Face Full of Justice After Bullying Kind Stranger
An entitled billionairess got her just desserts after bullying another Instagram user.
The woman, a young influencer named Katherine Asplundh, recently married Pennsylvania billionaire Cabot Asplundh.
According to the U.K.’s Daily Mail, after Asplundh was married in May, she decided to seek out a social media handle that corresponded with her married name.
She discovered that the Instagram handle @katherineasplundh was already taken by a woman known only as Kate. Asplundh first attempted to pay for Kate’s handle, then became increasingly more forceful — turning into a cyberbully.
Once the exchange was released to the public, things didn’t go well for Asplundh.
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When Asplundh contacted Kate about purchasing the handle, she violated Instragram’s terms of service, according to the Daily Mail.
After finding out as much, Kate let Asplundh know sh …