
Dan Rather Whoops for Joy Over FBI Raid

“Now is a time for steadiness, but HOO-BOY!…it is also a moment of hope, that a wave of redemptive energy will finally engulf the outrages of the previous administration and the grave threat it posed to the continuity of the United States as a nation of law,” wrote Dan Rather this week.Dan Rather’s perverse view of what a “nation of law” looks like was laid bare when this (at the time) CBS  and 60 Minutes anchor essentially partnered as security and propaganda adjunct with  Fidel Castro’s KGB-created and mentored secret police.Rather seemed delighted to serve the totalitarian whims of a Stalinist dictator whose “courts” channeled Stalin’s during the Great Terror, and whose modus operandi Che Guevara laid bare when he boasted that “judicial procedures are an archaic bourgeois detail., we execute from revolutionary conviction!” Thanks in large part to Dan Rather the whims of this mass-murdering international terrorist and criminal easily prevailed over the U.S. Constitution.  To wit: On the April 6th 2000 edition of “60 Minutes”, America saw a bewildered and heartsick father (Juan Miguel Gonzalez) pleading to be allowed to have his motherless s …

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