
Boris Johnson Resigns as U.K. Prime Minister

In the end, it was the multiple homosexual, underage, sex scandal cover ups that got him. In the end, it was the dreadful results in recent by-elections that got him. In the end, it was his personal behavior throughout the pandemic that got him. In the end, it was the lavish refurb of his taxpayer-funded apartment that got him. In the end, it was his failure to appoint any real, right-wing, Brexiteers to his government that got him. In the end, it was attempting to rescue pets ahead of personnel in Afghanistan that got him.

The list, if you couldn’t tell by now, goes on. Boris Johnson was – and maybe again someday will be – as catastrophic a Prime Minister as many of his original detractors,  your faithful reporter included, initially warned.
But it didn’t have to be like this. He was never forced to go the route of soft touch, centre-left “conservatism” partnering hand-in-hand with the likes of Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. But he d …

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