
Biden Makes Alarming Request For ‘24 Campaign HQ Location

While it’s hard to figure out what goes on in Joe Biden‘s vacuous mind, one thing seems clear: The 46th president of the United States delusionally believes he’s doing a bang-up job for “the American people.” Given that irrational reality, Joe likely thinks “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it” regarding the 2024 election.

As reported by The New York Times, Biden is reportedly pushing to locate his 2024 campaign headquarters at his home in Wilmington, Delaware, where classified documents were found stashed away in November.

Yes, really. And the hell of it?

From a broader perspective, Biden and his inner circle (handlers) are likely astonished that after two years of mumbling and fumbling, serial lying, and continuing to intentionally screw tens of millions of hardworking Americans with inflationary prices and likely tax increases, Joey from Scranton is still the guy of the Democrat Party and its lapdog liberal media sock puppets.

So, why not let addled Biden head back to his basement?

Apparently, there still exists a pocket of Biden supporters who don’t agree with Joe’s basement strategy. Reports suggest some Biden advisors believe his Wilmington home “would make recruitment harder, with younger campaign aides not eager to spend a year in a sleepy, small town.” Other advisers reportedly want the headquarters in Philadelphia, where his 2020 campaign was based. Kick these people to the curb, Joe! You don’t need no stinkin’ rational thinking folks to mess up your “brilliant” plan!

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